Chenké (Hda. Kampepen)

The Chenké Cenote is located within the Kampepen Hacienda in the municipality of Homún and is part of the circuit.

General information

The Chenké Cenote is located within the Hacienda Kampepen in the municipality of Homún and is part of the 1.2 km circuit where you can find a part of the history of Yucatán, an old henequen hacienda, two cenotes and a grotto with cave hands.

In particular, the Chenké Cenote is of the semi-open type where the roots of the trees that are around it reach the crystalline waters of turquoise blue tones and create an atmosphere of wild beauty that captivates visitors by offering a unique experience in a magical and picturesque setting.

By submerging in its refreshing waters, visitors have the opportunity to explore the underwater world it houses; marine fauna and fascinating submerged rock formations can be seen swimming in the crystal clear waters.

Provides service facilities bathrooms, dining area with tables and chairs, showers and life jackets (mandatory use) at no extra cost.

$100 MXN

Cost P/P


Type of cenote


Adventure degree


Current usage
  • Type of access: Stairs
  • SPP amenazadas o en peligro de extinción: No
  • Cooperative or organization: Yucatan Tourist Developments

Social networks:


  • Sale of souvenirs
  • Shop
  • autobus
  • Estacionamiento
    Parking lot


  • nadar
    Suitable for swimming
  • acampado
    Camping area


  • sanitarios
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