- Biodiversity in cenotes -

Why it is important?

Collect, produce and communicate first-hand information related to the biodiversity of cenotes, to help formulate local policies and improve the management of natural resources.

Target audience

Citizens who voluntarily participate in data collection in research projects.


Intended to generate a group of communitarian monitors and citizen scientist that will be able to take part of a big scale monitorig of the associed biodiversity of the cenotes through the iNaturalist platform

Available resources

- C-boya project -

Why it is important?

High school students from the communities near a cenote learn about pollution and care of the cenotes in their community. Onions as a study subject are an effective resource to detect anomalies in water quality without sacrificing animals.

Target audience

Middle and high school students for the application of the project. Undergraduate or graduate students as mentors and analysts of the collected data.


Intended for community monitoring of water quality without the need to use test animals to evaluate groundwater toxicology.

Available resources

- Tsonot project -

Why it is important?

To maintain a constant update of what is happening with the cenotes of the peninsula to allow administrators, academics and decision makers to identify the needs of the cenotes and make decisions focused on solving the current problems.

Target audience

Middle-high school students from high schools surrounding the cenotes. Undergraduate and postgraduate students who have an interest in implementing projects related to cenotes and researchers and academics who are creating or want to integrate their knowledge in these ecosystems.


Workshops and learning about monitoring water quality, the biodiversity associated with cenotes and the management of natural resources.

Available resources

- Garbage monitoring -

Did you know that you can use a mobile app to record and raise awareness about non-chemical pollution in cenotes?

Marine Debris Tracker

Clean Swell

Why it is important?

Monitoring the garbage that is removed from the cenotes in each cleanup effort is important to know the size of the impact of this practice.

Target audience

Any community actor who has a mobile phone with the app and who participates in cenote cleanups organized by various allies.


For awareness and registration of non-chemical pollution in cenotes.

- Stygofauna of the Yucatan Peninsula -

Why it is important?

The recognition of the species of flooded caves is crucial to understand the biological richness that we have under our feet in the Yucatan Peninsula, in this way divers contribute with the records and specialists with their identification. With this, both communities benefit by discovering new sites of importance and priority conservation.

Target audience

Cave divers community


Enrich the record of this fauna through photos and sharing them on the iNaturalist platform.

Available resources

- Cenote snap

This project is in development, so we are looking for creative, passionate and committed minds who want to contribute with their time and skills.

Send us a message if you are interested in contributing or just want more information.

Why it is important?

The deterioration of cenotes is a phenomenon that is difficult to ignore. Day by day the changes to which they are subjected are evident and the origins are diverse. This project is important to monitor and date the changes made.

Target audience

Any user with a smartphone running the app.


Monitor the change over time that cenotes suffer due to anthropogenic effects.