Quetzalli Hernández

Specialist in taxonomy and systematics of ophiuroids

Postgraduate Doctoral Student in Marine Sciences and Limnology, UNAM. In hers Master's studies he carried out biogeographic, ecological and taxonomic analysis with all the echinoderms he recorded when sampling the reefs of the state of Yucatán, in the Gulf of Mexico.

She specializes in the alpha taxonomy of ophiuroids, currently studying the taxonomy and molecular systematics of a common ophiuroid in the western Atlantic Ocean. Biologist, from the UNAM-Faculty of Sciences. Master of Science, from UNAM-Postgraduate in Marine Sciences and Limnology. For a couple of years she has been collaborating with the Yucatan Marine Biodiversity Project, of the UAY-Sisal, UNAM in which she was the field coordinator of the project, thanks to which she continued with the study of the echinoderms of the reefs of the platform. from the Bank of Campeche.field

She has presented 13 papers at conferences, 8 papers at national conferences and 5 papers at international conferences in countries such as Mexico, the United States of America, Costa Rica and Argentina.

She has had the opportunity to carry out research stays and/or review echinoderms in the following Scientific Collections: National Collection of Echinoderms “Ma. Elena Caso Muñoz”, ICML-UNAM, Mexico; Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA; Florida; Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, USA; Invertebrate Zoology Collection, University of Florida, USA; California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA; Collection of Echinoderms, Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia, Argentina and those of the Museum of Zoology, School of Biology, University of Costa Rica.