Michel R. Vázquez

Caving Instructor and Caving Specialist

Michel has 18 years of experience in the area of autonomous recreational diving instruction and services, 10 years of experience as a recreational technical instructor in the specialties of Caving, Side Mount, Mount with Alternating Tanks, Advanced Nitrox, Decompression Techniques and is currently an active instructor. with internationally recognized agencies such as Technical Divers International (TDI) and Mexican Federation of Underwater Activities/World Confederation of Underwater Activities (FMAS/CMAS).

As a speleologist, His approach to the hypogeal world began in 2005 when he completed the course as a NSS-CDS speleodiver in the anchialineanquihaline karst systems of the eastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. Practicing this activity is how your passion for the world of cenotes and caves begins.

In 2012 he approved the training course on Caving and Vertical Progression Techniques through the National Commission for Underground Diving and Caving FMAS/CNBSyE. These two tools allow him to participate in the exploration and registration of karst cave cavities in the eastern part. of the Yucatán Peninsula, participating in supporting field trips and scientific expeditions of Professor and Researcher Dr. Luis Mejía of the UQROO, Cozumel. In 2014 he was invited by his Friend and Caving Instructor, by the Speleologist Germáan Yáñez to be part of the Mayab A.C Speleological Circle (CEM) as a founding member.

As a member of the CEM, he has participated as a volunteer in the sanitation of multiple cenotes in the Yucatána Peninsula, supporting municipal and state authorities of the

States of Quintana Roo and Yucatán. In the last 3 years he has participated in different field trips, performing activities as a safety cave diver and preparing a graphic video record for UNAM scientific researchers. Among the projects that I have supported, my participation with Dr. Alejandra Prieto Davó, Profesor el Dr. Carlos Rosas Vázquez, Zoóloga Dra. Dorottya Angyal, Biologist and M. en C. Efraín Chávez, Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano, Dr. Rafael Lopez,, Dr. Jairo AndresAndrés Arroyave.

He has also collaborated with researchers from Educational Institutions at the University of Texas, Professor and researcher supporting Dr. Thomasom Illefe Iliffe and M. en C. Fernando Calderón.

This prominent member of the peninsular caving community was invited in 2017 by the Cave Diving Association of Australia (CDAA) as a speaker during their general meeting held every year in different cities in that country.

The objective of speleologist Michel R. Vázquez Robles is the exploration of knowledge in the hypogeal world and sharing said knowledge in a world of light.