Kay Vilchis

Underwater photography

Since 2014, Kay Vilchis has combined the principles and disciplines acquired during her professional training as a Dental Surgeon, with her current profession as an Underwater Photographer and Diving Instructor. It has technical knowledge supported by national and international certifications in speleological practice, topography and mapping of underground environments, as well as rescue in remote places.

She combines these skills along with exploration as a cave diver touring the Mayan underworld, to shed light on the inseparable duality of the rock matrix and the water table, to teach his vision.

On expeditions carried out in Mexico and abroad, he has documented various sites and species of sharks, highlighting the majestic white shark. Her work has been published in print and electronic media, and recognized with various awards at the national level; Likewise, she has participated in group exhibitions. This knowledge and skills have allowed her to collaborate in projects with organizations such as INAH, UNAM, CEM and private companies.