Juan Rivas

Environmental sciences

Juan Adolfo Rivas Marquez studied Environmental Sciences Engineering and has a Master's Degree in Natural Resources Sciences, both obtained at the Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON). During his Engineering studies, he completed an academic stay at the University of Concepción (UDEC), in the city of Concepción Chile, where he developed programming and remote sensing skills. Juan graduated from the Environmental Sciences Engineering degree in 2018 within a research project developing a multi-parametric probe capable of measuring physical and chemical parameters of water quality in the Bay of
Agiabampo, Sonora, México. He has worked as a Laboratory Technician supporting different research projects for the Department of Water and Environmental Sciences.

During 2019, he completed an academic stay at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Sisal campus, Yucatan; learning field techniques in coastal areas, as well as the use and management of environmental and marine sensors and instruments.

Juan graduated from his Master's degree in Natural Resources developing a research project supervised by Dr. Luis Méndez-Barroso where he determined the degree of eutrophication of the La Uva Estuary, in Agiabampo, Sonora, through the implementation of eutrophication indices based on physicochemical parameters .

In addition, he was part of the operational collaborators of the National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (LANRESC). Currently, Juan Adolfo is pursuing a Doctorate at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in the graduate program of the Institute of Engineering, Sisal campus, Yucatán, under the direction of Dr. Paulo Salles Afonso de Almeida and Dr. Flor Elisa Arcega Cabrera (ORCID: 0000-0001-9794-833X).