Expedition to the grottos of X ́tacumbilxunaán, Campeche
Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal - M. en C. Efraín Chávez Solís - Erick Sosa-Rodríguez - Kay Vilchis - Roberto Romero
On March 6, 2021, the members of our working group went on an expedition to the caves of the X'tacumbilxunaán caves, in Campeche, in order to collect samples of the endemic underground fauna of the place, and collect specimens of other species of stygobiont crustaceans.
The team made up of Dr. Dorka Angyal and M. en C. Efráin Chávez Solís, from the Faculty of Sciences UNAM - UMDI Sisal; the speleologists Erick Sosa-Rodríguez, Kay Vilchis and Roberto Romero and the local guide of the route Josué David Yam Yam, descended into the cave to carry out the review of the genus Mayaweckelia yucatanensis Holsinger, 1977, and also report curious findings that you will be able to see in the full report they presented.
Departure to Cenote Cauich
Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal - Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán - José Enrique Mex Esquivel - Graciano Hernández Canul
In this expedition, the Cauich cenote in the El Palmar ecological reserve was visited with the purpose of prospecting the site to determine the presence of stygobiont fauna and the costs associated with logistics.
The departure took place on February 11, 2020 and the team members were Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal, Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán, José Enrique Mex Esquivel y Graciano Hernández Canul. A prospecting dive was carried out with which the fauna of interest was not found.
The team made up of Dr. Dorka Angyal and M. en C. Efráin Chávez Solís, from the Faculty of Sciences UNAM - UMDI Sisal; the speleologists Erick Sosa-Rodríguez, Kay Vilchis and Roberto Romero and the local guide of the route Josué David Yam Yam, descended into the cave to carry out the review of the genus Mayaweckelia yucatanensis Holsinger, 1977, and also report curious findings that you will be able to see in the full report they presented.
Departure to cenote Pol-Ac
Dr. Nuno Márques Días Simoes, la Dra. Dorottya Flóra Angyal, el M. en C. Alberto Sosa Hernández, el M. en C. Efraín Miguel Chávez Solís, el Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán, el Biol. Daniel Martínez, el Biol. Óscar Melo Arias, César Rojas, Erick Sosa Rodríguez, Kay Vilchis, José Enrique Mex Esquivel y Graciano Hernández Canul.
This expedition had the purpose of taking video material and collecting sediments for metagenomic analysis for Dr. Alejandra Prieto Davó in the Polac cenote found in the El Palmar reserve.
The departure took place on January 30, 2020 and the team members were Dr. Nuno Márques Días Simoes, Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal, el M. en C. Alberto Sosa Hernández, el M. en C. Efraín Miguel Chávez Solís, el Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán, el Biol. Daniel Martínez, el Biol. Óscar Melo Arias, César Rojas, Erick Sosa Rodríguez, Kay Vilchis, José Enrique Mex Esquivel y Graciano Hernández Canul.
The entire process of the expedition was documented in conjunction with the sediment collection.
Akumal Expedition - Tza Itzá - Noh Mozó
Dr. Elizabeth Borda - Dr. Carlos Rosas - Dra. Maite Mascaró Micalajáuregui - Dra. Dorottya Flóra Angyal - M. en C. Lauren Ballou - M. en C. Claudia Remes - M. en C. Efraín Miguel Chávez Solís - Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán - Biol. Daniel Martínez - Alejandro Ordiano - Alberto Guerra
During this outing, the Crustacea cenotes in Akumal, Tza Itzá in Tecoh and Noh Mozón in Pixyah were visited. In the first one, specimens of the species Typhlatya dzilamensis were collected for Dr. Elizabeth Borda of Texas A&M University, sediments for metagenomic analysis for Dr. Alejandra Prieto Davó from UMDI-Sisal, UNAM, as well as polychaetes of a species in the process of description for Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán. Ecophysiology experiments were carried out in Tza Itzá and Noh Mozón after collecting specimens of Typhlatya mitchelli for the M. en C doctoral project.
The outing took place from September 11 to 16, 2019 and the team members were Dr. Elizabeth Borda, Dr. Carlos Rosas, Dra. Maite Mascaró Micalajáuregui, Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal, M. en C. Lauren Ballou, la M. en C. Claudia Remes, el M. en C. Efraín Miguel Chávez Solís, Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán, el Biol. Daniel Martínez, Alejandro Ordiano and Alberto Guerra. A dive was carried out in each cenote and the experiments were carried out in Noh Mozón and Tza Itzá.
The departure took place on February 11, 2020 and the team members were Dr. Dorottya Flóra Angyal, Biol. Luis Arturo Liévano Beltrán, José Enrique Mex Esquivel y Graciano Hernández Canul. A prospecting dive was carried out with which the fauna of interest was not found.
The team made up of Dr. Dorka Angyal and M. en C. Efráin Chávez Solís, from the Faculty of Sciences UNAM - UMDI Sisal; the speleologists Erick Sosa-Rodríguez, Kay Vilchis and Roberto Romero and the local guide of the route Josué David Yam Yam, descended into the cave to carry out the review of the genus Mayaweckelia yucatanensis Holsinger, 1977, and also report curious findings that you will be able to see in the full report they presented.